Roulette is
the 2005 Akita Club of America's National Specialty
WINNERS BITCH - Breeder Judge :: Dr. Sophia Kaluzniacki, DVM
BEST OF WINNERS - Judge :: Michele Billings
BEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR IN SHOW - Judge :: Michele Billings
two photos to the right were taken by Dayami Akitas. Thank you
very much Suzanne
for the beautiful pictures of our Girl Roulette!
Roulette is our
nut-ball... Being from two parents like Alien and Cuervo... we
expected nothing less. All this girl wants to do is play...
play... play...! Tired is not in her vocabulary!
Roulette has all of
the potential we look for in each one of our show dogs. A
gorgeous front, typey head with great expression, sound structure, a
great tail set... tight feet with "strong pasterns" great
coat... and that black flashy brindle too boot!
:: Roulette has obtained both of her AKC Majors the Summer of
2004, watch for her to finish her Championship very soon!
:: Roulette obtained her third MAJOR WIN Jan 2005, she
needs 4 more singles for her AKC championship!