Owner: Mike Effron - Florida
Alien x Gonta
Photo @ 10 months

Michele and I (Michael Effron) are proud owners of " TYKE " a beautiful well behaved Akita from Alien's first litter. Alicia - we wanted to thank you so very much for this amazing friend, protector and companion. He compliments our home. Visitors to our home simply can not believe how a dog so large and impressive can be so sweet. You have bred an exceptional dog. Thank you.


Owner: Linda Parker - Wisconsin
Alien x Gonta
Photo @ just shy of 3 Years

Your Akita family goes without saying. Simply The Best. I am very privileged & so very lucky you have allowed me to be apart of your Akita family. I am very happy, proud & confident with my new addition to my home, Julin, which is Alien's daughter, thanks to YOU. I'll never know how to repay you. I'm sure anyone who has ever encountered doing business with you feels the same as I. You are ALWAYS there for me. This is by far one of my absolute favorite sites. Your work is impeccable. Thank you for sharing.


Owner: Kim Cobain - Washington
Alien x Kash
Photo @ 6 months

I couldn't be happier with my beautiful Alien daughter, Bobbi Sox! She's my biggest obsession & sweetest companion! Working with you, meeting your Akita family, & being chosen to give Bobbi a loving home has been a big plus in my life. It's great to know there is such a professional, loving, knowledgeable, and responsible Akita breeder out there. Thank you for all you've done & continue to do for the Akita breed and potential owners!


Owner: Steve & Cathy Merge - Oregon
Alien x Kash
Photo @ 12 months

At one-year-old, Odin is a 96-pound lap dog.  He is the most loving, playful animal.  He is gentle around our two cockatiels and plays constantly with our 10-pound 14-year-old cat.  We consider Odin as a complete family member, he goes everywhere with us.  People constantly stop us on the street and ask us about him and complete strangers walk up and ask if they can take his picture.  It’s like having a celebrity in the family.  We live in a small town and people point at us and say, “Oh, you’re the folks with that big bear.  We see you driving around town with his head and paws hanging out the window.  He is sooo cute!”


Owner: Saila Niskanen - Finland
Alien x Cuervo
Photo @ 5 months

We are glad for the opportunity to join Your Akita family Alicia, and again we want to thank you very much for everything. Santtu is very beautiful and a charming little fellow, he charms everybody. 
We are proud to be his owners.

Owner: Brent & Aileen Trotter - Georgia
Alien x Gonta

Owner: Brent & Aileen Trotter - Georgia
Alien x Kash

In 2001, Alicia and her family allowed us to make Nike a part of our family.  He is an amazing dog!  He is so laid back and friendly, he started doing therapy work (visiting nursing homes and schools) at the age of 1.  Then we decided that Nike would probably enjoy having a sibling, since he loves to play with other dogs, but he's a little intimidating for the dogs in the subdivision.  So Alicia & family allowed us to make Bella a part of the family.  She's so full of life and spirit, and Nike lets her walk all over him.  They are wonderful dogs and have made Brent & I very happy!  Thanks Alicia for all of the help & support you have given us & for allowing Nike & Bella to join our family!



Owner: Alice Fritz
Magic x Voodoo
Photo @ 2 Years

Ursa is two now and still behaves like a puppy!
We think she is beautiful and love her very much!



Owner: Kyla and Corey Bedard
Roulette x Redgie
Photo @ 18 Months

I really can not imagine life with out Mali!!! She brings so much joy 
to our lives and her quirky personality keeps us laughing!!!  She is 
the most wonderful dog! We weren't sure if we could ever have a pet 
that would compare to Rikki, but Mali has held her own in that 


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Updated: 10/10/2009 •

© 1998-2009 MajikSun Akitas Dino & Alicia Meyer
• All Rights Reserved  •  Hillsboro, Oregon •

• Studio Sensation